GS – TMT in BiH has decades of experience in the production of machine elements to order, as well as complete machines and components in the automotive industry.
Your idea –
Our realization
Although we have several clients, we emphasize that we work with Liebherr, a world giant when it comes to construction machines. How did this happen?

As we all know, any plan or action that is long-term requires planning and precision. This is what we can deliver. All our projects and orders are of high quality and on time, we have a capable and professional team that is always ready for the assigned task.
Equally important is our company’s initiative to always look ahead and closely monitor technological breakthroughs. We started the production of our own electric delivery vehicle (EVO), basically integrating our main metal refining function with the new ideas and trends that dominate the world today.
With increasing faith in our way of doing business and our employees, we plan to grow and develop even more.

Advantages of partnering with GS TMT
Competitive price
Zbog poštivanja strogih kriterija kvalitete, kao i rokova isporuke, kupci su nas ocijenili kao dobavljač A. Taj smo status postigli višegodišnjim ulaganjem u razvoj našeg najvrjednijeg resursa – naših zaposlenika, izgradnjom novih kapaciteta, uvođenjem potrebnih standarda, nabavom suvremene opreme te kontinuiranim praćenjem kretanja i zahtjeva tržišta.
Fast delivery
Brza dostava maksimalno 2 radna dana na području cijele Europe. Točno na vrijeme isporuke preko 90 %.
Tailor-made concepts
Your request for our offer is 5 working days.
Comprehensive knowledge and experience
gs – travnik machine factory
Since 1952.